There is no greater joy than to see all your hard work and practice pay off with ribbons won in the show ring!

We trailer to many VHSA, USEF, USDF local and away schooling and licensed shows year round. The schooling shows are super inviting for all levels. From the intro levels to the experienced and accomplished partnerships looking for some local competition, they are a fabulous way to encourage a confidence-building experience for both horse and rider.

The licensed shows we attend, both locally and afar, offer a greater degree of competition, lovely awards and they really put your skills to the test. As you progress, you realize the ribbons are nice… But, the journey is the wonderfully captivating part. It is the journey that truly holds the reins to your work ethic and progression up the levels. We look forward to helping you on your journey.

We generally go to one show a month throughout the Winter months and multiple shows per month Spring-Fall. Check-in with Allison to inquire about upcoming opportunities.

Show Day Fees:

JJF Horses: Local shows range from $150-$250+ depending on the class difficulty level and the quantity of rides at any given show. This fee covers trailering, JJF horse use fee, coaching and grooming. **JJF Leased horses receive show fee discounts

Privately Owned Horses and JJF Leased Horses:
Show day coaching fee from $45-$90 depending on location, quantity of classes and divisions.
Hauling fee for local shows ranges from $50-$100 depending on the distance.

Show Cost Class Fees: Please check the pricing specifics on each show’s registration as each show is different.